Shipping and return policies for Válvera

Shipping Info
Our shipping charges do not include any custom charges, including VAT that your government may collect on imports. If your package is subject to these charges, it will be your responsibility to complete the payment to receive your package!
Return Policy
1. Please make sure that you receive an undamaged package (if necessary open the package in the presence of the postman). Do not in any case accept a damaged delivery (e.g. an opened box or similar) since by doing this you implicitly confirm the reception of damaged items.
2. Please bear the direct postal cost of return, otherwise the recipient has to bear unnecessary extra costs! In justified cases (damaged or wrongly sent item) you will of course get reimbursed (please tell us if you want to use the reimbursed postal cost as credit for your next order or if you want a return remittance). For returns you have the following options, for example (these are only options for the German Post): package 6,90 EUR, small package 4,10 EUR, Maxibrief 2,40 EUR, Großbrief 1,45 EUR.
3. You can return goods within 14 days. The 14-day period starts with the receipt of the goods.
4. Please pack your return well. We will not reimburse you for goods that get damaged or lost on the way from the customer to Brutal Records it is important, for example, the envelope tears easily and the goods get lost.
5. The fully filled-in delivery note and a copy of the invoice have to be part of the return.